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Any scalable OLAP database (web app scale)?

I have an application that requires analytics for different level of aggregation, and that s the OLAP workload. I want to update my database pretty frequently as well.

e.g., here is what my update looks like (schema looks like: time, dest, source ip, browser -> visits)

(15:00-1-2-2010, www.stackoverflow.com,, safari) -->  105

(15:00-1-2-2010, www.stackoverflow.com,, firefox) --> 110


(15:00-1-5-2010, www.cnn.com,, firefox) --> 110

And then I want to ask what is the total visit to www.stackoverflow.com from a firefox browser last month.

I understand Vertica system can do this in a relatively cheap way (performance and scalability wise, but not cost-wise probably). I have two questions here.

1) Is there an open-source product that I can build upon to solve this problem? In particular, how well does a Mondrian system work? (scalability, and performance) 2) Is there an HBase or Hypertable base solution (obviously, a naked HBase/Hypertable can t do this) for this? -- but if there is a project based on HBase/Hypertable, scalability probably won t be an issue IMO)?



You can download a free edition (the single node edition) of the greenplum database. I haven t tried it myself but I think/guess it is a powerful beast. Read here: http://www.dbms2.com/2009/10/19/greenplum-free-single-node-edition/

Another option is MongoDB, it is fast and free and you can write MapReduce functions with JavaScript to do analytics.

My reputation here is to low to add a hyperlink to mongodb, so you have to google . I can add only one hyper link per post.

The zohmg project aims to solve this problem using Hadoop and HBase.

Facebook also built Hive on-top of Hadoop. Pretty simple to get going - reasonable query API too.


Is your data model more complex than that? If it isn t you might be beter of just writing custom code for it. Then you can really tune it to your data. Real products have to offer a lot of flexibility, need a lot of complexiy to achieve that, and suffer in speed as a result.

Your question is not clear in one aspect: when you talk about scalable, what do you mean by that? Are you collecting data from lots of sites but only have a limited amount of query users, or do you also have a lot of users? That situation leads to a significantly different model.

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