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where to look for programs that use jpcap or jNetPcap?

Is there any code available in java ( that uses jpcap or jNetPcap ), that captures packets and displays all header information..


need help regarding a packet capture program

The following is a program that captures TCP packets < port 80 > and prints header related information in the console for every packet. I have also included a timer , so that after every 1000 ...

writing a http sniffer

I would like to write a program to extract the URLs of websites visited by a system (an IP address) through packet capture.. I think this URL will come in the data section ( ie not in any of the ...

which language is better for packet capturing and processing

I want to write a program that has 2 threads , one thread continuously captures packets from the network and dumps them in a buffer every t seconds and the other thread continuously reads this buffer ...
