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Roo - add custom finder
  • 时间:2010-01-15 23:11:46
  •  标签:
  • spring-roo

I used Roo to create a project that uses existing database. Im able to create dynamic finders, but I want to implement custom finder that will receive 4 parameters and use some of them to create Like condition and others for equals condition.

What is the best way to do this with Roo.


The recommended pattern is to edit the .java source file for your entity and define the new finder there. You might like to create a dynamic finder and then copy the style from the corresponding entityname_Roo_Finder.aj file. Please note manually-created finders do not appear in the automatically-created web scaffold (whereas dynamic finders will).


You ll probably have to copy the entityManager()-Getter as in:

new DomainClass().entityManager;

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