在我目前的C#/NET3.5申请中,我有一个任务点(已经安全),我有5个工作线,必须经常在座。 如果有任务,任何一名工人都将解职,并采取必要行动。
public class WorkerThread
//ConcurrentQueue is my implementation of thread safe queue
//Essentially just a wrapper around Queue<T> with synchronization locks
readonly ConcurrentQueue<CheckPrimeTask> mQ;
readonly Thread mWorker;
bool mStop;
public WorkerThread (ConcurrentQueue<CheckPrimeTask> aQ) {
mQ = aQ;
mWorker = new Thread (Work) {IsBackground = true};
mStop = false;
private void Work () {
while (!mStop) {
if (mQ.Count == 0) {
Thread.Sleep (0);
var task = mQ.Dequeue ();
//Someone else might have been lucky in stealing
//the task by the time we dequeued it!!
if (task == null)
task.IsPrime = IsPrime (task.Number);
task.ExecutedBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
//Ask the threadpool to execute the task callback to
//notify completion
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (task.CallBack, task);
private bool IsPrime (int number) {
int limit = Convert.ToInt32 (Math.Sqrt (number));
for (int i = 2; i <= limit; i++) {
if (number % i == 0)
return false;
return true;
public void Start () {
mStop = false;
mWorker.Start ();
public void Stop () {
mStop = true;
问题是,当问题空洞时,它消耗的钱太大(将近98%)。 我试图向工人通报说,已经改变了解雇。 因此,他们有效地等待发出这一信号。 它把万国邮联缩减到将近0%,但我并不完全相信这是最佳方法。 您能否提出一种更好的方法,在不伤害万国邮联的使用的情况下,保持read子的闲 the?