English 中文(简体)
原标题:One shot events using Lambda in C#


 EventHandler eh = null;  //can t assign lambda directly since it uses eh
 eh = (s, args) =>
     //small snippet of code here

     ((SomeType)s).SomeEvent -= eh;
 variableOfSomeType.SomeEvent += eh;

基本上,我只想附上一位活动手来听一次从这一事件中射出的枪声,我不再想在此之后留守。 通常“守则汇编”只是一条线。

我的心怀是一旁,我确信,我一定会做些事情,因此,我无需重复所有这种间接费用。 铭记<代码> 活动Handler 活动Handler<T>。



您可以把一名永久性活动手提一下。 接着,活动手援引“一枪事件处理器”,在内部格中添加:

OneShotHandlerQueue<EventArgs> queue = new OneShotHandlerQueue<EventArgs>();

Test test = new Test();

// attach permanent event handler
test.Done += queue.Handle;

// add a "one shot" event handler
queue.Add((sender, e) => Console.WriteLine(e));

// add another "one shot" event handler
queue.Add((sender, e) => Console.WriteLine(e));


class OneShotHandlerQueue<TEventArgs> where TEventArgs : EventArgs {
    private ConcurrentQueue<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> queue;
    public OneShotHandlerQueue() {
        this.queue = new ConcurrentQueue<EventHandler<TEventArgs>>();
    public void Handle(object sender, TEventArgs e) {
        EventHandler<TEventArgs> handler;
        if (this.queue.TryDequeue(out handler) && (handler != null))
            handler(sender, e);
    public void Add(EventHandler<TEventArgs> handler) {


class Test {
    public event EventHandler Done;
    public void Start() {
        this.OnDone(new EventArgs());
    protected virtual void OnDone(EventArgs e) {
        EventHandler handler = this.Done;
        if (handler != null)
            handler(this, e);


public static class Listener {

  public static void ListenOnce(this object eventSource, string eventName, EventHandler handler) {
    var eventInfo = eventSource.GetType().GetEvent(eventName);
    EventHandler internalHandler = null;
    internalHandler = (src, args) => {
      eventInfo.RemoveEventHandler(eventSource, internalHandler);
      handler(src, args);
    eventInfo.AddEventHandler(eventSource, internalHandler);

  public static void ListenOnce<TEventArgs>(this object eventSource, string eventName, EventHandler<TEventArgs> handler) where TEventArgs : EventArgs {
    var eventInfo = eventSource.GetType().GetEvent(eventName);
    EventHandler<TEventArgs> internalHandler = null;
    internalHandler = (src, args) => {
      eventInfo.RemoveEventHandler(eventSource, internalHandler);
      handler(src, args);
    eventInfo.AddEventHandler(eventSource, internalHandler);



  (s, args) => Console.WriteLine("I should print only once!"));

  (s, args) => Console.WriteLine("I should print only once!"));


http://codebetter.com/blogs/matthew.podwysocki/archive/2009/11/12/introduction-to-the-reactive-framework-part-iii.aspx”rel=“noreferer” 可从一项活动中观测到,仅听取使用<条码>的第一项内容的意见。 这使整个进程变成了两条法典。


我将可观测的制作和订阅转换成一种方法(Handle OneShot)。 这让你以单一方法重新尝试。 为了证明这一点,我做了一个具有两种特性的班子,以实施雕塑,并且正在聆听first的不动产改变活动,并在发生时写到圣殿。


HandleOneShot<SomeEventArgs>(variableOfSomeType, "SomeEvent",  e => { 
                    // Small snippet of code here

通知说,所有订阅/订阅都自动在幕后进行。 无需人工处理订阅问题——即向可观测到的人登记,而乐施会则为你们提供。


Setting first property...
 **** Prop2 Changed! /new val
Setting second property...
Setting first property again.
Press ENTER to continue...


namespace ConsoleApplication1
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Linq;

    class Test : INotifyPropertyChanged
        private string prop2;
        private string prop;
        public string Prop
            get {
                return prop;
                if (prop != value)
                    prop = value;
                    if (PropertyChanged!=null)
                        PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Prop"));

        public string Prop2
                return prop2;
                if (prop2 != value)
                    prop2 = value;
                    if (PropertyChanged != null)
                        PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Prop2"));

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    class Program
        static void HandleOneShot<TEventArgs>(object target, string eventName, Action<TEventArgs> action)  where TEventArgs : EventArgs
            var obsEvent = Observable.FromEvent<TEventArgs>(target, eventName).Take(1);
            obsEvent.Subscribe(a => action(a.EventArgs));

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Test test = new Test();

                e =>
                        Console.WriteLine(" **** {0} Changed! {1}/{2}!", e.PropertyName, test.Prop, test.Prop2);

            Console.WriteLine("Setting first property...");
            test.Prop2 = "new value";
            Console.WriteLine("Setting second property...");
            test.Prop = "second value";
            Console.WriteLine("Setting first property again...");
            test.Prop2 = "other value";

            Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...");

它是否发挥作用? 如果是的话,我就这样说。 一场看一看的事件看来是相当棘手的。


  • If s is garbage collected, so will the event handler.
  • The detaching code is right next to the attaching code, making it easy to see what you are are doing.




namespace MyLibrary
    public static class FrameworkElementExtensions
        public static void HandleWhenLoaded(this FrameworkElement el, RoutedEventHandler handler)
            RoutedEventHandler wrapperHandler = null;
            wrapperHandler = delegate
                el.Loaded -= wrapperHandler;

                handler(el, null);
            el.Loaded += wrapperHandler;

我认为,这是最好的解决办法,因为你往往不需要一次处理这一事件。 如果活动已经过去,你也经常需要检查。 例如,此处是上述延伸方法的另一版本,该方法使用所附财产来检查该要素是否已经装载,在这种情况下,它只是要求当事一方放弃:

namespace MyLibraryOrApplication
    public static class FrameworkElementExtensions
        public static void HandleWhenLoaded(this FrameworkElement el, RoutedEventHandler handler)
            if ((bool)el.GetValue(View.IsLoadedProperty))
                // el already loaded, call the handler now.
                handler(el, null);
            // el not loaded yet. Attach a wrapper handler that can be removed upon execution.
            RoutedEventHandler wrapperHandler = null;
            wrapperHandler = delegate
                el.Loaded -= wrapperHandler;
                el.SetValue(View.IsLoadedProperty, true);

                handler(el, null);
            el.Loaded += wrapperHandler;

You probably want to work with the new async/await idioms. Usually when I need to execute an event handler one-shot like you described, what I really need is something like:

await variableOfSomeSort.SomeMethodAsync();
//small snippet of code here

Why not do use the delegate stack built into the event? Something like...

    private void OnCheckedIn(object sender, Session e)
        EventHandler<Session> nextInLine = null; 
        lock (_syncLock)
            if (SessionCheckedIn != null)
                nextInLine = (EventHandler<Session>)SessionCheckedIn.GetInvocationList()[0];
                SessionCheckedIn -= nextInLine;

        if ( nextInLine != null )
            nextInLine(this, e);

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