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TeamCity and NCover integration, exclude files/types just gives me errors

I am trying to integrate NCover 2 into TeamCity 5.0.1, and since I have some files in the project that are out of my control, I d like to exclude those from the NCover statistics.

In the TeamCity build runner setup, I have an option for "Additional NCover arguments", and by looking at the page that describes NCover parameters, I added the following to this box:

//exclude-types "Markdown;Settings;Resources"

When running the teamcity buildstep, I get this error in my log, and the build fails:

NCover has determined that one of the paths in the
//h or //w commands ends with a backslash ().
Please remove or escape the backslash and run NCover again.

If I remove this setting, the error goes away.

Has anyone configured TeamCity and NCover 2 like this and can spot my mistake?


We had a similar problem with attribute exclusion when we triggered NCover 1.5.8 from NAnt. It was an issue with proper quotation of the arguments. We simply couldn t get it working although the args exactly complied to the NCover documentation. A workaround solved the problem for us: Passing arguments via a settings file


the command you posted looks correct, check the rest of the teamcity build log to see the entire command that they re sending to ncover. It s possible that the base command they send + the command you ve entered is triggering the error message.

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