English 中文(简体)
行动说明 仅对一只电影的控制?
原标题:Actionscript Mouse control on ONE movieclip only?

在闪闪电/行动2中,是否有可能捕捉 mo花、 but子和 down,但只能在一个电影节中捕获?

At present, i can capture mousemove etc. via a listener, but only for the entire stage... I need to draw a rectangle for selecten, and then press a save button. The problem is i save the coordinates on mousedown and up, but when I press on the save button, it saves the coordinates of when you pressed on the save button...


Edit: Code as requested mc.onMouseDown should be mcImageToCrop.onMouseDown I did change it back to mc when mcImageToCrop didn t work...


    import flash.geom.Rectangle;

// Create a container by calling the setUpContainer functie wich will return a movieclip with a needed propeties set.
var container:MovieClip = setUpContainer();

// Create rectangle named window to create our gradient in it.
var window:Rectangle = new Rectangle(400, 230, 265, 240);

// Set our created window rectangle as a scrollRect property to the container movieclip.
// Rectangle constructor params are x, y, width, height
//container.scrollRect = window;

//this.opaqueBackground = 0xFF0000;//0xCCCCCC;

var mcImageToCrop:MovieClip ;
var mc:MovieClip;
var mcControls:MovieClip ;
//all drawing,positioning and coloring will be set in this function:
function setUpContainer():MovieClip 
    mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
    mc._x = 0;
    mc._y = 0;
    mc.opaqueBackground = 0xF0F0F0;//0xCCCCCC;

mcImageToCrop = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("mcImageToCrop", mc.getNextHighestDepth());
var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
mcLoader.loadClip("Test.swf", mcImageToCrop); //load the tower movie clip


///////////////////////// Button //////////////////////////////////
mcControls=this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcControls", 500);//this.getNextHighestDepth());  // 2=  restrect depth
mcControls._x = 0;
mcControls._y = 480;
//mcControls.opaqueBackground = 0x00FF00;//0xCCCCCC;

    trace("Save coord");


var startX=0;
var startY=00;
var rwidth=100;
var rheight=30;

mcControls._alpha = 80;
mcControls.moveTo(startX,startY); // oben links
mcControls.lineTo(startX+rwidth,startY+rheight);// unten rechts
mcControls.lineTo(startX,startY); // I think this isn t needed anyway
//public createTextField(instanceName:String, depth:Number, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number) : TextField
//  this.createTextField("button_text", 5, x, y, 100, 50);
this.createTextField("button_text", 501, 25, 485, 100, 5);
var bntTxtFmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();

button_text.html = true;
button_text.wordWrap = true;
button_text.border = false;
button_text.autoSize = true;
button_text.selectable = false;
button_text.textColor = (0xFFFFFF);
button_text.htmlText = "Speichern";
///////////////////////// End Button //////////////////////////////////

this.onLoadInit = function (target_mc:MovieClip)
    trace("Onloadinit:target_mc width: " + target_mc._width + " target_mc height: " + target_mc._height);
    trace("Onloadinit Stage width: " + Stage.width + " Stage height: " + Stage.height);
    trace("Onloadinit mcImageToCrop width: " + mcImageToCrop._width + " mcImageToCrop height: " + mcImageToCrop._height);
    width: 1024 
    height: 768
    Stage: Height X :640 Height Y: 480
    loadinit Stage height: 480 - This height: 768
    var percentW = Stage.width*100 / mcImageToCrop._width;
    var percentH = Stage.height*100 / mcImageToCrop._height;

    mcImageToCrop._xscale = percentW;
    mcImageToCrop._yscale = percentH;

    window.x = 249; // 400
    window.y = 143; // 230
    window.width=163; // 265
    window.height=149; // 240

    var UnscaledX=249*100/percentW;
    var UnscaledY=143*100/percentH;
    var UnscaledW=163*100/percentW;
    var UnscaledH=149*100/percentH;

    container.scrollRect = window;

    // Zurückskalieren des Ausschnitts auf Originalgrösse
    container._xscale = 10000/percentW; // =100* 100* 1/(percentW/100)
    container._yscale = 10000/percentH;

    trace("Onloadinit Scale X :" + mcImageToCrop._xscale + " Scale Y: " +   mcImageToCrop._yscale );

//mcLoader.loadClip("Test3.swf", mcControls);
return mc;


// Text field for mouse position
this.createTextField("mouse_info", 999, 5, 5, 250, 80);
mouse_info.html = true;
mouse_info.wordWrap = true;
mouse_info.border = false;
mouse_info.autoSize = true;
mouse_info.selectable = false;

var mouseListener:Object = new Object();

var rectStartX;
var rectStartY;

var rectStopX;
var rectStopY;

var bMouseIsDown:Boolean=false;

mc.onMouseDown = function() 
    trace("Clicked at x: " + _xmouse + " y: " +_ymouse);

mc.onMouseUp = function()
    trace("Released at x: " + _xmouse + " y: " +_ymouse);

mc.onMouseMove = function() 



    //var rectangles2:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("rectangles2", 1);
    var rectangles2:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("rectangles2", mc.getNextHighestDepth());

    var startX=rectStartX;
    var startY=rectStartY;
    var rwidth=_xmouse-rectStartX;
    var rheight=_ymouse-rectStartY;

    rectangles2._alpha = 80;

    rectangles2.moveTo(startX,startY); // oben links
    rectangles2.lineTo(startX+rwidth,startY+rheight);// unten rechts
    rectangles2.lineTo(startX,startY); // I think this isn t needed anyway


var table_str:String = "";

//table_str += "Current content position:  	"+"<b>x</b>:"+content._x+"	"+"<b>y</b>:"+content._y+newline;
table_str += "Current mouse position:  	"+"<b>x</b>:"+_xmouse+"	"+"<b>y</b>:"+_ymouse+newline;
table_str += "";
mouse_info.htmlText = table_str;

// Mouseaction listener

Stage.align = "TL";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
//Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";

var stageListener:Object = {
    onResize: resizeHandler

Stage.addListener( stageListener );

function resizeHandler():Void
    var w:Number = Stage.width;
    var h:Number = Stage.height;

    // mc, mcImageToCrop
    //_root.mc._height = 400;
    //_root.mc._width = 400;

    //trace("Resized to w: "+ w +" and h: " + h);



import flash.geom.Point;// you ll need this if you want to store your coordinates as Point objects

var startPoint:Point = new Point();
var endPoint:Point = new Point(); 

myClip.onPress= function() {
    startPoint.x=this._xmouse; //gives x-coord relative to myClip...
    startPoint.y=this._ymouse; // ...for coords relative to stage, omit "this."
    trace("start: "+startPoint.toString());

myClip.onRelease= function() {
    trace("end: "+endPoint.toString());

myButton.onRelease= function() {
    trace("saved coordinates: "+startPoint.toString()+endPoint.toString());

  • onMouseUp = function() {} Invoked when the mouse button is pressed. (anywhere)
  • onPress = function() {} Invoked when the user clicks the mouse while the pointer is over a movie clip.


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