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Removing nested tags with simpleHTML

I m trying to use simple_html_dom to remove all the spans from a snippet of HTML, and I m using the following:

$body = "<span class= outer  style= background:red >x<span class= mid  style= background:purple >y<span class= inner  style= background:orange >z</span></span></span>";
$HTML = new simple_html_dom;
$spans = $HTML->find( span );
foreach($spans as $span_tag) {
    echo "working on ". $span_tag->class . " ... ";
    echo "setting " . $span_tag->outertext . " equal to " . $span_tag->innertext . "<br/>
    $span_tag->outertext = (string)$span_tag->innertext;
$text =  $HTML->save();
echo "<br/>The Cleaned TEXT is: $text<br/>";

And here s the result in my browser:


So why is it I m only ending up with the outer most span removed?


Actually if there s an easier way to do this, I m game. The object is to remove the tags but keep anything inside them including other tags, or else I d just use $obj->paintext

Edit #2

Okay ... apparently I got it working, although oddly enough I d still like to actually understand the problem if anyone ran into this before. Knowing it was only removing the outermost span, I did this:

function cleanSpansRecursive(&$body) {

    $HTML = new simple_html_dom;
    $spans = $HTML->find( span );
    foreach($spans as $span_tag) {
        $span_tag->outertext = (string)$span_tag->innertext;

    $body =  (string)$HTML;
    if($HTML->find( span )) {
    } else {

And it seems to work.


I don t have simple_html_dom installed on my machine or dev server so I can t test, but from the looks of it, setting $span_tag->outertext will create new span objects inside the outer span, so the old references will no longer exist in $HTML. Going from innermost to outer should fix it since the references would be kept intact.

EDIT: In your second edit, you are finding the newly-created spans every time you do a replacement, which is why it works.



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