Note: you can t launch script working following way from a screen session. And it will open in session no tabs... Its more a related tip than a real answer to the question.
There is an other solution, if you accept to have a screen session by running process...
new session script
echo "nouvelle session screen ${sessionName}"
screen -S ${sessionName}
echo "screen session: done"
echo "go to ${AnyWhere}"
sleep 1
screenexec ${sessionName} "cd ${AnyWhere}"
init script (here "")
zsh -c "sleep 0.2"
screen -d #detach the initialised screen
zsh #let a prompt running
injection script (here screenexec)
# $1 -> nom de screen cible $2 -> commande
echo "injection de «${2}» dans la session «${1}» ..."
screen -x "$1" -X stuff "$2" #inject the command
screen -x "$1" -X eval "stuff 15" #inject
echo "Done"
By using this way, you should inject code easily in your screens, interesting if your script act like a deamon...
For those who prefer script in python, I ve made a small lib to create sessions, close sessions, inject commands:
It s a small project, which don t handle multiwindows screen sessions.
Forgot to mention I made a real python library out of it long ago: