/* random_random is the function named genrand_res53 in the original code;
* generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution; note that
* 9007199254740992 == 2**53; I assume they re spelling "/2**53" as
* multiply-by-reciprocal in the (likely vain) hope that the compiler will
* optimize the division away at compile-time. 67108864 is 2**26. In
* effect, a contains 27 random bits shifted left 26, and b fills in the
* lower 26 bits of the 53-bit numerator.
* The orginal code credited Isaku Wada for this algorithm, 2002/01/09.
static PyObject *
random_random(RandomObject *self)
unsigned long a=genrand_int32(self)>>5, b=genrand_int32(self)>>6;
return PyFloat_FromDouble((a*67108864.0+b)*(1.0/9007199254740992.0));
因此,该函数有效地生成 m/2^53
,其中 0 <= m < 2^53
是一个整数。由于浮点数通常具有53位精度,这意味着在范围 [1/2, 1) 内,生成了所有可能的浮点数。对于接近0的值,为提高效率,它跳过了一些可能的浮点值,但生成的数字在该范围内均匀分布。 由 random.random