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Rails:基本的Ajax问题! - 我正在寻找关于列表简单添加和编辑的示例代码
原标题:Rails: basic Ajax question! - I m looking for example code about simple adding and editing for list

我使用 ruby script/generate scaffold subject name:string desc:string 命令创建了一个简单的 Rails 页面。


What I like to do is changing above behavior as Ajax way. Everything can be done in index page. For example...this is the page throw the browser~


Listing subjects
name  desc
test1 test1 show edit destroy
test2 test2 show edit destroy
[___] [___] create



Listing subjects
name    desc
[test1] [test1] update             <-------- this !!! text_field !
test2   test2   show edit destroy

And you can change name and desc. After change the values, clicking update link will update it and browser will display similar page with 屏幕1


我试图找出这个问题的答案,但是Railscasts和其他一些网页都没有帮助。 :(

Do anybody know where the sample code for this is or please write simple one !!! I really appreciate it if you do so...........



<% form_remote_tag :action => :update do %>
  <%= text_field_tag :name, @name %>
  <%= text_field_tag :desc, @desc %>
  <%= submit_tag "Update" %>
<% end %>


def update
  #do normal update stuff

  #send RJS back to the user that we did something.
  render :update do |page|
    page.alert "item updated!"

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