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Google gadget/spreadsheet: Grab spreadsheet key for gadget

So I m working on a google gadget(really only gadgetizing so I can get a datastore for this) that I want to be embeddable in a google spreadsheet (after this point, I m going to skip the word google - you can just imagine it s there).

I want to use the spreadsheet that I embed the gadget in as a key/value store for the data I enter within the gadget (I think the 2K limit for gadget data won t be enough). It looks like what I ll want to do is use the gadget s feed api to manipulate the spreadsheet s list feed. However, in order to know what the spreadsheet s list feed is, I need to know the key for the spreadsheet (which is in the URL). I don t think I can scrape the key directly from the URL, since the gadget seems to be inserted via iframe.

So I need to know how I can tell a gadget that I m embedding in a spreadsheet the key for that spreadsheet. I suppose I could have the user enter it manually, but I d much rather have my gadget know the key programmatically.


You might want to try using Google Apps Script instead of a gadget. It is aware of the spreadsheet it is embedded on.



You should be able to retrieve a list of spreadsheets by making a GET request to this URL:


See Google Spreadsheets API for more details: http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/developers_guide_protocol.html#ListingSpreadsheets

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