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原标题:ASP.NET publish: old DLL is not overwritten, and comes back

Using VS2008sp1, I m publishing Web app to a separate IIS7.5 server. It s been ok for a while, but hit this strange scenario: -Created a class file that generates its own DLL. -works fine locally -When publish to server, the older DLL file is there along with all the other newer files (based on time stamp). The application dies when it tries to execute the new class method (it knows of the correct method call, but cant find the method. e.g method not found: class.method() ) -turned off IIS service. Deleted DLL file, republished: still showed older DLL (???)

它显然在某个地方受到压制/保护,但我如何作为团体围绕这一出版? 我是否需要每次重新启动综合调查?



如果您的机器提前运行了一点,那么在发布期间,Visual Studio将不会覆盖服务器上的一些文件。


VS 在这里试图变得过于智能了。




%SystemRoot%Microsoft.NetFrameworkvTemporary ASP.Net文件夹

如果您重新启动IIs,它将清除所有缓存的DLL -- 这是确保安装运行最新版本的最佳方法。MS文档说它将重新加载并运行并排,但为什么不干脆清除它?

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