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How to configure Kannel with Linux web server?
  • 时间:2010-02-13 06:19:54
  •  标签:
  • kannel

I downloaded the Kannel software from the net and uploaded the software into the web server.

Now I need to compile and run Kannel. How can I run configure and install.sh files?

Can you provide the solution?


This is how I would install it:

latest svn:

svn co https://svn.kannel.org/gateway/trunk

./configure --with-mysql --with-malloc=native

–> you will get a message saying thank you for using Kannel.

touch .depend make depend make

sudo make bindir=/kannel/bin/ install #—-> Enter your root password.

and congratz

Howto start & stop the bearerbox & smsbox

#/usr/sbin/smsbox /etc/kannel.conf &
#/usr/sbin/bearerbox /etc/kannel.conf &

Howto Stop the kannel service

#/etc/init.d/kannel stop

Howto check logs for kannel

 #tail -20f /sdp/wap_push_promotion/bearerbox.log

Howto check the kannel process is running or not?

#  ps -ef | grep kannel
root     11314 11281  0 14:05 pts/2    00:00:00 grep kannel
kannel   20609    1  0 Aug02 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/bearerbox /etc/kannel.conf
kannel   20628    1  0 Aug02 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/smsbox/etc/kannel.conf

Read more about how to configure and use kannel here

First decide where to install it:

./conifgure --prefix=/usr/local/kannel

Then run make to create binaries


Then make install to put the correct binaries in their right places

make install

Finally go to /usr/local/kannel and start the bearerbox and smsbox

./sbin/bearerbox smskannel.conf &
./sbin/smsbox smskannel.conf &

smskannel.conf is and example configuration distributed with the source code and you can copy it to your installation directory.

  • Download version 1.5.0:“https://redmine.kannel.org/attachments/download/198/gateway-1.5.0.tar.gz
  • Uncompress

    $ curl -O https://redmine.kannel.org/attachments/download/198/gateway-1.5.0.tar.gz

    $ tar -zxvf gateway-1.5.0.tar.gz

    $ cd gateway-1.5.0

  • Select a target install directory (different from your current directory) for the —prefix flag (for ex. /home/vtypal/kannel)

  • Build and install as usual

    $ ./configure --prefix=/home/vtypal/kannel

    $ make

    $ make install

  • Under the sbin directory of kannel create a configuration file called kannel.conf with your kannel configuration.

  • Start kannel $ cd /home/vtypal/kannel/sbin

    $ nohup ./bearerbox &

    $ nohup ./smsbox &

  • Check the logs if you have any config error in your kannel.conf

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