English 中文(简体)
原标题:Www-data User to Access files/folder outside of /var/www/


Would you like to provide more context for the word "Will" in order for me to give a more accurate translation? "Will" can have multiple meanings and translations in Chinese depending on the context.



你可以创建另一个群组,并将 www-data(如果您的 Web 服务器在 www-data 用户下运行)添加到此群组中,然后将此群组分配给您希望可以访问的所有那些文件。

或者如果您只需要读取权限,并且其他系统用户可以读取您的文件不是问题,则只需更改文件(在其他位置)的权限以使other获得读取权限。例如,对于您的目录,使用775 ,对于您的文件,则使用644




// file permissoins
/tmp/shared_by_all.txt -> 644
/home/user1 -> 751 or 755
/home/user1/shared_by_all.txt -> 644
/home/secureuser -> 750
/home/secureuser/myfile.txt -> 640 (or even 644 because of the containing directory permissions, other can not even enter the directory tree. so file is not accessible)

// file: /var/www/read_file.php
    echo file_get_contents( /tmp/shared_by_all.txt ); // ok!
    echo file_get_contents( /home/user1/shared_by_all.txt ); // ok!;
    echo file_get_contents( /home/secureuser/myfile.txt ); // fail!;



你可以创建一个名为“me_and_web”的组,只有“username”和“www-data”是其成员,并使用命令 chgrp -R me_and_web /home/username/another_folder

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