I m trying to determine my options for clustering my ServiceMix 3.3.1/Camel 2.1/AMQ 5.3 application. I m performing high volume message processing and I need to cluster for high availability and horizontal scalability.
Here is basically what my application does...HTTP->QUEUE->PROCESS->DATABASE->TOPIC
from("jetty:") .to("activemq:inboundQueue");
from("activemq:inboundQueue?maxConcurrentConsumers=50") .process(decode()) .process(transform()) .process(validate()) .process(saveToDatabase()) .to("activemq:topic:ouboundTopic");
So, I ve read all the ServiceMix and AcitveMQ clustering pages, but am still not sure which way to go.
I know I can use a Master/Slave setup for HA, but that doesn t help with scalability.
I ve read about network of brokers, but am not sure how this applies. For example, if I deploy identical Camel routes on multiple nodes in a cluster, how will they "interact" exactly? If I point my HTTP producer at one node (NodeA), which messages will get sent to NodeB? Will the queues/topics be shared between Node A/B...if so how, are messages split or duplicated? Also, how would an external client subscribe to my "outboundTopic" exactly (and get all messages, etc)?
Alternatively, I ve been thinking that I should just share a broker between multiple ServiceMix instances. That would be cleaner in that there would only be one set of queues/topics to manage and I could scale by adding more instances. But, now I m limited to the scalability of a single broker and I m back to a single point of failure...
If anyone can clarify the trade-offs for me...I d appreciate it.