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Programmatically detect Windows cluster configuration?

Does anyone know how to programatically detect that a Windows server is part of a cluster?

Further, is it possible to detect that the server is the active or passive node?

[Edit] And detect it from Win32? A registry setting maybe?

Thanks for any insight.



I don t have an exact answer, but there are lots of APIs beginning with "Cluster" (like ClusterOpenEnum and ClusterNodeEnum) and COM interfaces beginning with "IGetCluster" that look promising.


You can use WMI to lookup the information. That should work from XP/Win32 etc.

There is some great information here on using VBScript to do the job: http://www.activexperts.com/activmonitor/windowsmanagement/scripts/networking/clustering/

Here s some C#/.Net code that also uses WMI:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System;
using System.Management;

namespace SandboxConsole
    public class ClusterAdmin
        public static void Main()
            string clusterName = "MyCluster"; // cluster alias
            string custerGroupResource = "FS_Resource1"; // Cluster group name
            ConnectionOptions options = new ConnectionOptions();
            options.Username = "ClusterAdmin"; //could be in domainuser format
            options.Password = "HisPassword";

            // Connect with the mscluster WMI namespace on the cluster named "MyCluster"
            ManagementScope s = new ManagementScope("\\" + clusterName + "\root\mscluster", options);
            ManagementPath p = new ManagementPath("Mscluster_Clustergroup.Name= " + custerGroupResource + " ");

            using (ManagementObject clrg = new ManagementObject(s, p, null))
                // Take clustergroup off line and read its status property when done

                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); // Sleep for a while

                // Bring back online and get status.
        static void TakeOffLine(ManagementObject resourceGroup)
            ManagementBaseObject outParams =
            resourceGroup.InvokeMethod("Takeoffline", null, null);
        static void BringOnLine(ManagementObject resourceGroup)
            ManagementBaseObject outParams =
            resourceGroup.InvokeMethod("Takeoffline", null, null);

I found this code here and tidied it up a little.

Any specific language you re looking for?

You might be able to employ the failover cluster cmdlets for Powershell (for Windows Server 2008 R2). Specifically Get-Cluster and Get-ClusterNode

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