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Resources for Windows Phone 7 development [closed]

Windows Phone 7 has been unveiled and MS have announced all details of the development chain at the Mix10 conference.

So this could be a good starting point/collection of online resources as they appear

EDIT: I ve removed the speculation tag now that the covers are off


An excerpt from Programming Windows Phone 7 Series by Charlez Petzold just became available online.

Charlie Kindel has started a MSDN blog on WP7 development, along with a video on Channel9.

windows phone twitter account: @windowsphone

For WP7/XNA related information, keep an eye on Shawn Hargreave s blog :-)

You can get the newly released Windows Phone 7 Series "SDK" from the Windows Phone Developer Home Page

Click the "Download the Developer Tools" on the right hand side to get the bits.

Remember the Windows Phone 7 version of fousquare from the MIX10 demo?

You can download the source code from http://4square.codeplex.com/.

There s a ton of resources out there for Silverlight, and for the most part all of this applies to Silverlight for Windows Phone. My limited experience so far has been quite postive. I took a simple game I wrote for Silverlight and cut and pasted the XAML and code into a new Windows Phone application and pressed F5. It ran without modification, the only thing I couldn t get working was the sound.

If your interested I just posted the source code on my blog.

For XNA there s a lot of information at the XNA creators site.

The forums are pretty good too over here combined they cover most aspects of game and app design and publishing.

Worth a visit.

I put together a list of resources to help people get started on Windows Phone 7 that might help as well.

the Microsoft Press WP7 book by Charles Petzold is now online here.

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