You can try to add a new frame (instead of entire new custom tag). As example, if you want to add a new "Acoustid Duration" TXXX-Frame to an existing *.mp3 file, you can use the taglib-sharp library and something like
Dim MyTaglibMP3 As TagLib.File = TagLib.File.Create("C: empI m Alive.mp3")
Dim id3v2tag As TagLib.Id3v2.Tag = CType(MyTaglibMP3.GetTag(TagLib.TagTypes.Id3v2), TagLib.Id3v2.Tag)
Dim AcoustidDurationTXXXFrame As New TagLib.Id3v2.UserTextInformationFrame("Acoustid Duration", TagLib.StringType.UTF16)
AcoustidDurationTXXXFrame.Text = {"207"}
Of course, this works with every other already defined id3v2 type like "CommentsFrame", "PrivateFrame", "TextInformationFrame" and even "UnsynchronisedLyricsFrame".
If you don t want that the id3v2tag will be encoded with UTF-16, choose another TagLib.StringType