English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to read in a text file to R using textConnection and library(sqldf)
  • 时间:2010-02-23 20:09:02
  •  标签:
  • r


#"test.table.1.0" file has this contents:
id  Source
1     A10
2     A32
3     A10
4     A25


test_table <- read.table(textConnection("test.table.1.0"))

I can see that the problem is that textConnection is supposed to take a character vector, and I m giving it a data.frame, but converting it via as.character also fails. Ultimately, I want to run a query like this:

sqldf("select test_table.source from test_table");

安尼科的评论几乎包含您所需的所有内容(以及 header=TRUE):

R> data <- read.table("test.table.1.0", header=TRUE)
R> data
  id Source
1  1    A10
2  2    A32
3  3    A10
4  4    A25






Example 13. read.csv.sql and read.csv2.sql read.csv.sql is an interface to sqldf that works like read.csv in R except that it also provides an sql= argument and not all of the other arguments of read.csv are supported. It uses (1) SQLite s import facility via RSQLite to read the input file into a temporary disk-based SQLite database which is created on the fly. (2) Then it uses the provided SQL statement to read the table so created into R. As the first step imports the data directly into SQLite without going through R it can handle larger files than R itself can handle as long as the SQL statement filters it to a size that R can handle. Here is Example 6c redone using this facility:

# Example 13a. 

write.table(iris, "iris.csv", sep = ",", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) 
iris.csv <- read.csv.sql("iris.csv",  
        sql = "select * from file where Sepal_Length > 5") 

# Example 13b.  read.csv2.sql.  Commas are decimals and ; is sep. 

Lines <- "Sepal.Length;Sepal.Width;Petal.Length;Petal.Width;Species 
cat(Lines, file = "iris2.csv") 

iris.csv2 <- read.csv2.sql("iris2.csv", sql = "select * from file where Sepal_Length > 5") 


f <- file(“test.table.1.0”)
bigdf <- sqldf(“select * from f”, dbname = tempfile(),
   file.format = list(header = T, row.names = F))



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