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Why is NUnit hanging from the command line, but not under TestDriven.NET?

If I start my unit tests from TestDriven.NET under VS2008, they run pretty much immediately.

If I start my unit tests using nunit-console.exe, the NUnit console hangs for five minutes before actually running my tests. If I attach a debugger, it seems to be spending its time in System.IO.MemoryStream.Read, called from System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters, called from System.Runtime.Remoting, on the other side of some native-managed transitions called by NUnit.Core.ProxyTestRunner.Test.get. Sometimes, it s in System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RecordFixup or .FindObjectHolder.

This is with NUnit-2.5.2 on 32-bit XP, fully patched. All assemblies are targeted to .NET 2.0.

What is nunit-console up to? Is there any way to persuade it to not do it?


I cannot be sure, since I am also lucky to use a new version. You probably have a huge test suite with lots of tests, aren t you? If you do not need application domain isolation for other reasons, you can turn it off and then you save the remoting/marshaling time.

Try this please and give feedback to us how it went:

nunit-console.exe /noshadow /nologo /process Single /domain None whatever.dll

There is also a way to add these options via the configuration files, if you do not want to touch your build scripts even with a stick. :)

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