English 中文(简体)
原标题:How many elements are full in a C array
  • 时间:2010-02-27 15:09:26
  •  标签:
  • c
  • arrays
  • size

如果你在 C 中有一个数组,如何确定其中有多少内容已被填充?


在C阵列中,任何成分都是物体。 在 Java,你没有提及首先必须指定用于点物体。 在 C,C区的任何行为都像原始类型一样。


// creates an array of 10 pointers, and initializes all of
// them to null pointers. If you leave off "{ 0 }", you 
// have to manually initialize them!
struct foo *array[10] = { 0 };


if(array[i] == 0) {
  printf("Position %d does not point to an object!
", i);




但是,你可能想知道,其中有多少人填写了你所关注的数据,而不是随机的数据。 在此情况下,除非你继续跟踪此事,否则就无法知道。



So, the notion of "filled" has to be supplied by the program. One possible to "in-band" way is to: (a) Choose one specific value of the element type (e.g. 0xFFFFFFFF) and use it to detect fill/empty property of each array element (However, realize that this approach takes away one otherwise valid value from the element set.), and (b) "initialize" all the elements of the array to that disallowed value at suitable position in the program scope. (c) To find array fill level, count the number of valid elements.

$ cat t2.c
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 10

typedef unsigned long int T;

static const T EmptyElementValue = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Choose any suitable value above. However, the chosen value
// would not be counted as an "empty" element in the array.

static T array1[ N ];

printArray( T a[], size_t length )
    size_t i;
    for( i = 0; i < length; ++i )
        printf( "%lu, ", a[ i ] );
    printf( "
" );

numFilledElements( T a[], size_t length )
    size_t fillCount = 0;
    size_t i;

    for( i = 0; i < length; ++i )
        if( a[ i ] != EmptyElementValue )
            fillCount += 1;

    return fillCount;

int main()
    T array2[ N ];
    size_t i;

    printArray( array1, N );
    printArray( array2, N );


    // Make array2 empty
    for( i = 0; i < N; ++i )
        array2[ i ] = EmptyElementValue;

    // Use some elements in array2
    array2[ 2 ] = 20;
    array2[ 3 ] = 30;
    array2[ 7 ] = 70;
    array2[ 8 ] = 80;

    printf( "Number of elements "filled" in array2 = %u
        numFilledElements( array2, N  ));

    // Stop using some elements in array2
    array2[ 3 ] = EmptyElementValue;

    printf( "Number of elements "filled" in array2 = %u
        numFilledElements( array2, N ) );

    return 0;

$ gcc -Wall t2.c -o t2

$ ./t2
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 60225, 2280452, 1627469039, 1628881817, 2281060, 2280680, 1628304199, 1628881818, 47, 
Number of elements "filled" in array2 = 4
Number of elements "filled" in array2 = 3




在 C 语言中,没有内置的方式来知道有多少个元素被填充了您关心的数据。您需要自己构建。正如先前所说,如果您可以有一个不代表任何东西的值(例如 0),您可以:

  1. Count the elements that do not have this undefined value.
  2. If your filled elements will be in the same block of memory, you can look for the undefined value(Sentinel)


For example, if you have an array of 32 elements or less, you only need an unsigned integer to keep track of your array: 1100010 ...


1 -> 设置

2 -> 设置

3 -> 没有集合

4 -> 未设置

5 -> 未设置

6-> set



一旦完成, 你们都需要做的是简单地说一个。 超过国旗阵列。

你可以使用一个while(yourArray != NULL)循环,然后在循环中仅增加一个整数值,这样就能告诉你了。

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