English 中文(简体)
原标题:Getting a value by reflection without garbage

我正在编写一个系统,需要我使用反射获取对象属性的值。这个项目是为了xbox360而开发的,它运行在紧凑框架上,因此具有缓慢的垃圾回收器 - 这意味着我必须避免分配!


Foo Something; //an object I want to get data from
PropertyInfo p; //get this via reflection for the property I want
object value = p.GetGetmethod().Invoke(Something, null);
//Now I have to cast value into a type that it should be


  • Casting is for potters, generics is for programmers
  • It obviously creates garbage every time I have to get a primitive value and it gets boxed.


回应 Jon 的答案,从他的博客中盗用的这个代码不会导致分配,问题已解决:

        String methodName = "IndexOf";
        Type[] argType = new Type[] { typeof(char) };
        String testWord = "TheQuickBrownFoxJumpedOverTheLazyDog";

        MethodInfo method = typeof(string).GetMethod(methodName, argType);

        Func<char, int> converted = (Func<char, int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate
            (typeof(Func<char, int>), testWord, method);

        int count = GC.CollectionCount(0);

        for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
            int l = converted( l );

            if (GC.CollectionCount(0) != count)

一个替代方案是使用 Delegate.CreateDelegate 从getter方法创建一个委托 - 我不知道Xbox使用的紧凑框架版本是否支持。




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