Is it possible to use Bonjour from command line? For example if I want to register a service I type something like that: bonjour -register service_name port. And then Bonjour allocate a free IP for my service. Or, for example, if I want to see a list of available services I type something like: bonjour -showServices. And then I get list of all available services with their names, IP addresses and ports. Does something like that exist?
I am kind of confused by the available documentation. For example here, in the beginning of the document I see:
To register your service, call DNSServiceRegister.
Where should I call it? In the command line? In Java? In C++? In python? It is kind of strange that this kind of context is not provided.
In general, I find just a general information about zeroconf and Bonjour (what it is supposed to do). But I cannot find something concrete and simple. Like "Hello World" examples of usage of Bonjour.
Can anybody help me with that?