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Jquery 隐藏表格单元格内容
原标题:Jquery to hide table cell contents




编辑:这是连接到复选框点击事件的函数。 它正确地切换元素的可见性。我遇到的问题是获取从数据库中加载的新行以正确的可见性开始。(我在asp.net中使用重复器控件来构建表,因此将客户端ID传递到函数中)。


 function ToggleVisibility(position, hometown, state, checkbox, name, license) {
        if ($("#" + checkbox)[0].checked) {
            $("#" + position).css( visibility ,  visible ).fadeIn( slow );
            $("#" + hometown).css( visibility ,  visible ).fadeIn( slow );
            $("#" + state).css( visibility ,  visible ).fadeIn( slow );
            $("#" + name).css( font-weight ,  bold );
            $("#" + license).css( font-weight ,  bold );
        else {
            $("#" + position).css( visibility ,  hidden ).fadeOut( slow );
            $("#" + hometown).css( visibility ,  hidden ).fadeOut( slow );
            $("#" + state).css( visibility ,  hidden ).fadeOut( slow );
            $("#" + name).css( font-weight ,  normal );
            $("#" + license).css( font-weight ,  normal );


<input type="checkbox" id="cb1" class="save">


$(":checkbox.save").click(function() {
  $.post( /save.php , {id: this.id, checked: this.checked});


You may want to have a look at livequery, which is a plugin for jquery: Livequery


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