English 中文(简体)
原标题:Is proceeding system task with module instantiation permitted?


module FAunit(
  input x_0, y_0, c_0,
  output sum_0, c_1
  wire a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4;
  wire b_1, b_2, b_3;
  assign a_1 = x_0 & ~y_0 & ~c_0;
  assign a_2 = ~x_0 & y_0 & ~c_0;
  assign a_3 = x_0 & y_0 & c_0;
  assign a_4 = ~x_0 & ~y_0 & c_0;
  assign s_0 = a_1 | a_2 | a_3 | a_4;
  assign b_1 = x_0 & y_0;
  assign b_2 = y_0 & c_0;
  assign b_3 = x_0 & c_0;
  assign c_1 = b_1 | b_2 | b_3;
endmodule >single unit consisting four_bit_fulladder 

module four_bit_fulladder(
  input [3:0] X, Y,
  output [3:0] sum,
  output[4:0] carry
  assign  carry[0] = 0;
  FAunit unit_0(
  FAunit unit_1(
  FAunit unit_2(
  FAunit unit_3(
endmodule > going to be instantiated on "testbench.sv"


module test_bench;
  wire [3:0] X, Y;
  reg [3:0] SUM;
  reg [4:0] CARRY;
  assign X = 4 b1101, Y = 4 b1011;
    four_bit_fulladder ohgod(
      $display("X: %b
", X);
      $display("Y: %b
", Y);
      $display("sum: %b
", SUM);
      $display("carry: %b", CARRY[4]);


34 sdf=0)
# KERNEL: ASDB file was created in location /home/runner/dataset.asdb
# KERNEL: X: 1101
# KERNEL: Y: 1011
# KERNEL: sum: zzzz
# KERNEL: carry: 1


我试图在“design.sv”上从模块实例化到“testbench.sv”,然后进行系统任务。但是,总和的值显示出来与应该的不同(“4 b1000”)。




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