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我如何总是把AIR土著寡妇带在 app门前,而不是在其他窗户面前?
原标题:How do I make an AIR NativeWindow always in front of just the app, but not in front of other windows?

我希望窗户总是站在所有的窗户前面,但是,当 app子被拆除时,我不想把窗户放在其他面。

<mx:Window xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" alwaysInFront="true" initialize="onInitialize()">
        private function onInitialize():void {
            addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, onAppDeactivate);
            addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onAppActivate);

        private function onAppDeactivate(event:Event):void {

        private function onAppActivate(event:Event):void {


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