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What s the perror() equivalent for error codes in OpenCL?

If I have something like:

err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(cmdQueue, output, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(float) * data_sz, &results, 0, NULL, NULL);

I d like to do:

if (err != CL_SUCCESS){
    perror("Read Failed!");

But the error constants like "CL_HOST_OUT_OF_MEMORY" and the like are (understandably) not known to perror().

I could go around grepping the .h files associated with opencl, but that is not an ideal solution. I m open to any other convenient ways of tracking down the error numbers. I m on OSX Snow Leopard (Including that just in case, but I don t think it s relevant)


If you have the NVIDIA OpenCL SDK then you could use the oclErrorString() function provided by oclUtils.


There is none currently. I ended up writing my own, in the style of gluErrorString(). I just pasted all the cl_error codes into a file and processed each line in Emacs to convert it into a bunch of cases inside a switch statement (to allow for discontiguous entries) that return constant strings. It was pretty easy, and quite useful. I can post it somewhere if you like.

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