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WorldWind: 3D-Objects - Sphere for Matsu, how?
原标题:WorldWind: 3D-Objects - Sphere for Moon, how?

我在Nasa WorldWind论坛询问了这一问题,但有一些回头回答:


I m still playing around with WWJ and what you posted here http://forum.worldwindcentral.com/showthread.php?t=24318 THX! currently I m trying to add different layers, so that I can add several polylines and can clear them, so that I can "let them grow in realtime".

but my aim is still to implement at least basic represantations of moon and other celestial bodies and the spacecraft. I want to use WWJ for a lunar mission and I m simulating a n-body problem and I would like to have representations of all bodies. it doesn t matter when there are just spheres, but they have to be at least the size and te position of the body simulated.

how can I chieve this? I couldn t find this in the wiki. the uber-thing would be to use WW s moon model and place it accordingly, but just a sphere painted grey would be okay :).





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