This concerns Intellij from 9 to 11. In the IDEA window On the bottom right corner I see the current memory usage, typically "224M of 254M" How do I give more memory to Idea so it may read like "224M of 512M" ?
This concerns Intellij from 9 to 11. In the IDEA window On the bottom right corner I see the current memory usage, typically "224M of 254M" How do I give more memory to Idea so it may read like "224M of 512M" ?
On Mac, $IDEA_HOME/Contents/Info.plist
~: grep --context=5 Xmx /Applications/
<string>-Xms128m -Xmx912m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:MaxPermSize=250m -ea -agentlib:yjpagent=disablej2ee,disablecounts,disablealloc,sessionname=IntelliJIdea90 -Xbootclasspath/a:../lib/boot.jar</string>
Edit The following file:
之后,您需要创建idea64.vmoptions。 简单地复制想法中的备选办法。 申请档案
cat idea.vmoptions > idea64.vmoptions
参数仍然存在 - Xmx1024M - Xms512M
在MacOS,人们发现有办法。 然后,公开档案
<key>VMOptions</key> <string>-Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xbootclasspath/p:
走到这条道路上“C:Program files (x86)JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA 12.1.4inidea.exe.vmoptions”和将大小改为Xmx512m
在册子中:C:Program files (x86)JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 13.0in
认识到,如果使用的基本证书是32个轨道,则最高记忆仍然低于2048M。 b
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