我能否简单地制造一种 v子,把它放在我的网络服务器上? 要求是什么?
我能否简单地制造一种 v子,把它放在我的网络服务器上? 要求是什么?
声音XML是一种标志内容的方法,意在通过声音,通常是电话传送。 就像“超文本”一样,你如何在网上浏览器上播放你想要的节目,“达尼马”就是你如何向电话传送。
声音XML本身赢得了对言论的承认。 但是,许多葡萄牙语广播公司也用其“声音XML”平台搭建了一个语音识别(也称为ASR)发动机。
I am trying to build an application (which would use the Hindi language and other regional languages) to get speech voice commands. I also need text to speech functionality in my application. I was ...
I need to detect the user voice when they pick-up the reciever on the other end. Because Modems usually start playing files (playback terminal) when the first ring goes there. So I planned to use ...
I want to do a little apllication, does any one know of a good speaker dependent speech recognition engin with sdk. (not speech to text engins) thank you, Efrat
I m making my final year project i.e. speech recognition. but I don t have any idea how to start. I will use c#. Please can anyone guide me how to start? what should be the first step? Thanks
我们计划使用微软讲话标本。 我们现在在Windows XP上使用Microsoft Sam声音,坦率地说,它可怕......。 几乎不可能听到......。
What API s provide Nokia for Sound to text and text to sound transformation for Java or C++ programmer? What do I need? Links to best API s of your choise Links to best Blog Articles/Tutorials on ...
How to turn pcm audio into text using some lib written entirely in the CC++ programming language? So I have pcm file. I want to turn it into text. how to do it? (with speech recognizer lib of your ...
I m making a program that does stuff (Sorry, I m not allowed to say what it is), but I want to be able to let Windows Speech somehow "know" that there are linklabels and buttons on my Forms, so that ...