We are using Grails+ExtJS here. Since we try to make an idiomatic ExtJS application, Grails is not fully utilized, though it still makes sense to use Grails instead of, say, JSP, for the server-side part.
Why ExtJS: Because it s a very rich toolkit for GUI-like web applications. Our job is to replace an old Motif GUI, so this is exactly what we need.
Why Grails: Because it gets the job done easily and quickly. For the communication with the ExtJS part, we need a lot of JSON, and in Grails it s like that:
import foo.bar.FooBar
class FooBarController {
def viewFooBars = {
def list = FooBar.getList(session.userId, params.foo, params.bar)
def result = [resultset: list] as JSON
response.setHeader( Content-disposition , filename="json" )
response.contentType = "text/json";
render result
And that s even two or three lines more than necessary...