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Sphinx, reStructuredText show/hide code snippets

I ve been documenting a software package using Sphinx and reStructuredText.

Within my documents, there are some long code snippets. I want to be able to have them hidden as default, with a little "Show/Hide" button that would expand them (Example).

Is there a standard way to do that?


I think the easiest way to do this would be to create a custom Sphinx theme in which you tell certain html elements to have this functionality. A little JQuery would go a long way here.

If, however you want to be able to specify this in your reStructuredText markup, you would need to either

  • get such a thing included in Sphinx itself or
  • implement it in a Sphinx/docutils extension...and then create a Sphinx theme which knew about this functionality.

This would be a bit more work, but would give you more flexibility.


You don t need a custom theme. Use the built-in directive container that allows you to add custom css-classes to blocks and override the existsting theme to add some javascript to add the show/hide-functionality.

This is _templates/page.html:

{% extends "!page.html" %}

{% block footer %}
 <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $(".toggle > *").hide();
        $(".toggle .header").show();
        $(".toggle .header").click(function() {
{% endblock %}

This is _static/custom.css:

.toggle .header {
    display: block;
    clear: both;

.toggle .header:after {
    content: " ▶";

.toggle .header.open:after {
    content: " ▼";

This is added to conf.py:

def setup(app):
    app.add_css_file( custom.css )

Now you can show/hide a block of code.

.. container:: toggle

    .. container:: header

        **Show/Hide Code**

    .. code-block:: xml

       from plone import api

I use something very similar for exercises here: https://training.plone.org/5/mastering-plone/about_mastering.html#exercises

You can use the built-in HTML collapsible details tag by wrapping the code in two raw HTML directives

.. raw:: html

   <summary><a>big code</a></summary>

.. code-block:: python

   lots_of_code = "this text block"

.. raw:: html



<summary><a>big code</a></summary>
<pre>lots_of_code = "this text block"</pre>

There is a very simplistic extension providing exactly that feature: https://github.com/scopatz/hiddencode

It works rather well for me.

The cloud sphinx theme has custom directive html-toggle that provides toggleable sections. To quote from their web page:

You can mark sections with .. rst-class:: html-toggle, which will make the section default to being collapsed under html, with a “show section” toggle link to the right of the title.

Here is a link to their test demonstration page.


Looks like a new sphinx extension has been made to do just this since this question has been answered.

Run: pip install sphinx-togglebutton

Add to conf.py

extensions = [

In rst source file:

.. admonition:: Show/Hide
  :class: dropdown

  hidden message

since none of the above methods seem to work for me, here s how I solved it in the end:

  1. create a file substitutions.rst in your source-directory with the following content:

    .. |toggleStart| raw:: html
       <summary><a> the title of the collapse-block </a></summary>
    .. |toggleEnd| raw:: html
  2. add the following line at the beginning of every file you want to use add collapsible blocks

    ..include:: substitutions.rst
  3. now, to make a part of the code collapsible simply use:

    the text you want to collapse
    ..code-block:: python 

Another option is the dropdown directive in the sphinx-design extension. From the docs:

  1. Install sphinx-design
pip install sphinx-design
  1. Add the extension to conf.py in the extensions list
extensions = ["sphinx_design"]
  1. Use the dropdown directive in your rst file:
.. dropdown::

    Dropdown content

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