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Python - retrieving info from a syslog file

I have been asked to write a program using python for an assignment.

I have been given a syslog file and I have to find things out about it

How do I find out how many attempts were made to login to the root account?

Any advice would be highly appreciated as I am very new to python and completely lost!


something like this

#open the file , can be /var/log/messages, /var/log/maillog etc as defined in your system
#go through the file
for line in f:
   if "<unique pattern for checking root account login>" in line:
#close the file
print "total count: " ,count

You want /var/log/auth.log, not syslog.

It ll contain lines like like this:

Mar 20 10:47:24 Opus su[15918]: pam_unix(su:auth): authentication failure; logname=lfaraone uid=1000 euid=0 tty=/dev/pts/25 ruser=lfaraone rhost=  user=root

Basic, naive code to accomplish the problem would be as follows:

loginattempts = {"root": 0,
                 "someuser": 0,} # Usernames you want to check
with open( /var/log/auth.log ,  r ) as authlog:
    for line in authlog:
        if "authentication failure" in line:
            username = line.split( = )[-1] # split the string into an array, 
                                           # using  =  as the delimiter
            if username in loginattempts: # is the username one we care about?
                loginattempts[username] += 1

Like user calmh suggested, it will probably be better long-term to parse with regular expressions, but if you don t know them already, it can be non-trivial to learn.

You probably need to read the file, parsing each line. When you find a line that matches what you re interested in (failed root login, for example), you increment a counter.

Take a look at how to read files and possibly how to use regular expressions.

If you are going to do this check against a "live" log file, say every five minutes, you need to keep track of how much of the file you have already processed so you don t read it all every time. This is slightly more complicated, because you need to remember state (file size) between executions. In that case, look at the shelve module.

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