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Editing "Time to display recovery options when needed" timeout value using a program

I want to edit the timeout value of Time to display recovery options when needed without using the UI display option.

To navigate, Right click on Mycomputer -> Properties -> Advanced tab -> click on SETTINGS of Startup and recovery => 2nd displayed check box.

The value thought to be in c:oot.ini file, but it has value of other timeout Time to display other operating systems. After some searching,I found that c:windowsootstat.dat file holds the timeout value for Time to display recovery options when needed...

But, i am not able to decode the .dat file or edit that file.. any suggestions would he helpful for me.. Thanks in advance


https://gitlab.com/rhave/bootstat.dat-efi-parser this does decode it, but no sure if you can edit

use bcdedit:

bcdedit /timeout 123

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