English 中文(简体)
当我有一份文字上的“连接”时,我能否阻止LQ* Plus展示“联系”?
原标题:Can I stop SQL*Plus from displaying "connected" when I have a "connect" in a script?

I have a few sql scripts that I need to run via SQL*Plus. These scripts connect several times as different users with a connect user_01/pass_01@db_01. Now, each time the script does such a connect, it confirms the successful connection with a connected. This is distracting and I want to turn it off.


set termout off
connect user_01/pass_01@db_01
set termout on




这里使用的是Tom Kyte的书本(目标)。 我有一份称为链接的文字。 ql in my sqlplusDirector:

set termout off 
connect &1 

页: 1 页: 1 我补充说:

select lower(user) ||  @  || 
substr( global_name,1, decode( dot, 0, length(global_name), dot-1) ) 
from (select global_name, instr(global_name, . ) dot from global_name );

set sqlprompt  &gname>  

set termout on


@connect user_01/pass_01@db_01


connect user_01/pass_01@db_01


SQL> set feedback off
SQL> alter session set current_schema=SCOTT;


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