English 中文(简体)
原标题:Serialization problem

I have created a phonebook application and it works fine after a awhile i liked to make an upgrade for my application and i started from scratch i didn t inherit it from my old class,and i successes too ,my request "I want to migrate my contacts from the old application to the new one" ,so i made an adapter class for this reason in my new application with the following code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

namespace PhoneBook
    class Adapter
        PhoneRecord PhRecord;   //the new application object
        CTeleRecord TelRecord; //the old application object
        string fileName;

    public Adapter(string filename)
        fileName = filename;

    public void convert()

        PhRecord = new PhoneRecord(); 
        TelRecord = new CTeleRecord();

        FileStream OpFileSt = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);

        BinaryFormatter readBin = new BinaryFormatter();

        for (; ; )

                TelRecord = (CTeleRecord)readBin.Deserialize(OpFileSt);

                PhRecord.SetName = TelRecord.GetName;
                PhRecord.SetHomeNumber = TelRecord.GetHomeNumber;
                PhRecord.SetMobileNumber = TelRecord.GetMobileNumber;
                PhRecord.SetWorkNumber = TelRecord.GetWorkNumber;
                PhRecord.SetSpecialNumber = TelRecord.GetSpecialNumber;
                PhRecord.SetEmail = TelRecord.GetEmail;
                PhRecord.SetNotes = TelRecord.GetNotes;

            catch (IOException xxx)

            catch (ArgumentException tt)
            //if end of file is reached
            catch (SerializationException x)
                MessageBox.Show(x.Message + x.Source);





the problem is when i try to read the file ctreated by my old application i receive serialization exception with this message "Unalel to find assembly PhoneBook,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicK eyToken=null"




When the class is serialised, it includes the assembly information of the class. It does this so the deserializer knows what type of class to create with the serialised data.


建议采取的方式是,总是在一间图书馆开设可系列的课程。 然后,在您的V2.0号申请中,你可以提及V1.0号大会,然后你可以将物体erial灭。




宾泰语对集会改变并不宽容。 很久以前,我就得出结论,运输是K(关于)而不是任何种类的储存——它就是,太平了:



如果你有重新战斗的现有数据,我会非常希望利用旧的法典(或与其非常接近的)以合同形式重报数据。 虽然你说你只是制造了它,但也许这是一个问题。

如前所述,档案中载有贵阶层完全合格的组合名称,这在你的新项目中发生了变化。 如果您的组别、职称和国名相等,你可以把大会的形式简单地放在形式上:

BinaryFormatter.AssemblyFormat = FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple;

当格式试图装上这种类型的时,使用LadWith PartialName。 See DNMS for more info.


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