English 中文(简体)
将js案卷附在一个js案上,但带有J Query错!
原标题:attaching js files to one js file but with JQuery error !

我想创建一只 j子,包括每个 j子的档案,以便把档案交给头部。


Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected


var baseUrl = document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.host +  /yabant/ ;

// To find root path with virtual directory
function ResolveUrl(url) {
    if (url.indexOf("~/") == 0) {
        url = baseUrl + url.substring(2);
    return url;

// JS dosyalarının tek noktadan yönetilmesi
function addJavascript(jsname, pos) {
    var th = document.getElementsByTagName(pos)[0];
    var s = document.createElement( script );
    s.setAttribute( type ,  text/javascript );
    s.setAttribute( src , jsname);

addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/1_jquery-1.4.2.min.js ),  head );
$(document).ready(function() {
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/5_json_parse.js ),  head );
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/3_jquery.colorbox-min.js ),  head );
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/4_AjaxErrorHandling.js ),  head );
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/6_jsSiniflar.js ),  head );

    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/yabanYeni.js ),  head );
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/7_ResimBul.js ),  head );
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/8_HaberEkle.js ),  head );
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/9_etiketIslemleri.js ),  head );
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/bugun.js ),  head );
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/yaban.js ),  head );
    addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/embed/bitgravity/functions.js ),  head );

Paths are right. I wanted to show you folder structure and watch panel: alt text



我认为,问题是,在你使用全球美元时,酒吧是装满的。 根据,Loading gusts Without Blocking,这一机制并不总是在IE中保存执行令。

简单的解决办法是使用静态文字标签来装饰。 页: 1

<script type="text/javascript" "/js/1_jquery-1.4.2.min.js" />


// url=> http:  +  //  + localhost:4399  + /yabant/
//       ----     ----   --------------    --------
//     protocol + "//" +     host        +  /virtualDirectory/ 
var baseUrl = document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.host +  /yabant/ ;

// If there is "~/" at the begining of url, replace it with baseUrl
function ResolveUrl(url) {
    if (url.indexOf("~/") == 0) {
        url = baseUrl + url.substring(2);
    return url;

// Attaching scripts to any tag
function addJavascript(jsname, pos) {
    var th = document.getElementsByTagName(pos)[0];
    var s = document.createElement( script );
    s.setAttribute( type ,  text/javascript );
    s.setAttribute( src , jsname);

// I want to make sure jQuery is loaded?
addJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/1_jquery-1.4.2.min.js ),  head );

var loaded = false; // assume it didn t first and if it is change it to true
function fControl() {
    // alert("JQUERY is loaded?");
    if (typeof jQuery ==  undefined ) {
        loaded = false;
    } else {
        loaded = true;

// Check is jQuery loaded 

function fTry2LoadJquery() {
    // alert("JQUERY didn t load! Trying to reload...");
    if (loaded == false) {
        setTimeout("fControl()", 1000);
    } else {

function getJavascript(jsname, pos) {
    // I want to retrieve every script one by one
    $.ajaxSetup({ async: false,
        beforeSend: function() {
            $.ajaxSetup({ async: false });
        complete: function() {
            $.ajaxSetup({ async: false });
        success: function() {

    $.getScript(ResolveUrl(jsname), function() { /* ok! */ });

function fGetOtherScripts() {
    // alert("Other js files will be load in this function");

    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/5_json_parse.js ),  head );
    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/3_jquery.colorbox-min.js ),  head );
    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/4_AjaxErrorHandling.js ),  head );
    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/6_jsSiniflar.js ),  head );

    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/yabanYeni.js ),  head );
    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/7_ResimBul.js ),  head );
    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/8_HaberEkle.js ),  head );
    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/9_etiketIslemleri.js ),  head );
    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/bugun.js ),  head );
    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/js/yaban.js ),  head );
    getJavascript(ResolveUrl( ~/embed/bitgravity/functions.js ),  head );

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