Does anyone know how to stream Ogg files without fully downloading them first over a Socket(in byte[] format).
I am trying to create a music streaming application and I managed to do it with MP3 s but I understand there s licensing issues invovled after certain limit hence why I want to use OGG(Vorbis). I maanged to find this C# Vorbis Wrapper but no documentation, and I cannot figure out how to get a byte[] stream to play.
I have tried the following
var rawData = File.ReadAllBytes(@"SoundFile.ogg");
var enc = new OggVorbisEncodedStream(rawData);
var sp = new SoundPlayer(enc);
But an exception gets thrown showing that the Wav file header is incorrect. I understand SoundPlayer is used for only playing .wav files? Does anybody know how to stream a OGG file?