English 中文(简体)
原标题:Specifying properties when initialising
void Foo()

string ID = "test";
var testctrl = new Control() {ID = (ID**!=null?ID**:ID)};


能否将ID**的价值纳入上述法典? 问题是他们都有相同的财产名称。



Putting aside that the code can t possibly compile... The first ID (ID=) in this syntax refers to the assignment, specifically the member being assigned. On the right-hand-side, it comes down to standard resolution. Which never means the ID of the new object. It will first look at the local ID variable, then after that members (fields etc) on the current instance. To prefer members on the current instance, use this.ID.

您也不妨考虑取消销售的经营人,这样,如果你指的是“当地负债者,或者如果无效的话,那将是? . . .



bool ID = "test";


string ID = "test";
var testctrl = new Control(){ ID = (ID==null?ID:ID) };



void Foo()
    string ID = "test";
    var testctrl = new Control();
        testctrl.ID = ID;


void Foo()

bool ID = "test";
var testctrl = new Control(){ID = (this.ID==null?ID:this.ID)};



Seeing your example, I suspect that you don t have the requirement that the ID should be unique? In general, to avoid nasty problems like this, avoid try using duplicate property names, but maybe your bound to an existing interface.

• 如何增加一个将外部识别作为参数的构件超负荷?

void Foo()

string ID = "test";
var testctrl = new Control(ID);



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