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3. 开展定制活动,使网络用户能够相互控制
原标题:raising custom events to allow web user controls to intercommunicate
  • 时间:2010-04-02 20:45:05
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • asp.net

我有2个网络用户控制,两者都继承了相同的基类,即用户控制。 我想就一个事件提出,而另一个事件应该知道。 这两条都在同一个网页上,但第2条控制从未处理过第1条中提出的习俗事件! 是否有任何想法? 仅请说明可能的实施情况(BTW,自早起就把它ling起来,但不要 l!)



1) create an event in control 1.
2) create a public method in control 2, that gets called if the event in control 1 is raised
3) subscribe to the event of control 1 (where you instanciate them, e.g. another control, a content page or a master page)
4) inside the event handler from 3), call the method created in 2)


所有这一切都需要在服务器上安装。 我确信,也可能有客户方的解决办法。

Edit after comment: There are only two possible communication ways I can think of:
1) the controls don t know each other and therefore can t communicate directly. => you need a third control/page/masterpage/whatever (database, service etc) to enable the communication
2) the controls reference each other and therfore can communicate directly => very bad OOP. If you use this, you do not understand OOP at all and should consider your job




http://codebetter.com/blogs/brendan.tompkins/archive/2004/10/06/Easily-Raise-Events-From-ASP.NET-ASCX-User-Controls.aspx” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>Here

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