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原标题:How do I add complex where clause to Zend Table Select?

我搜索了这个网络,找不到任何东西可以给我一个很好的例子。 我的问题是:


* 摘自表WHERE(a = 1 和 b = 2) OR(c = 3 OR c = 4)和 d = 5;


$this ->select() ->from($this->_schema. . .$this->_name) ->where( a = ? , 1 );




我也存在同样的问题。 见本答复中的代码例子:< href=”https://stackover.com/ > >。 Grouping WHERA,


$db = $this->getAdapter();
     ->where( (  . $db->quoteInto( a = ? , 1) .   AND   . $db->quoteInto( b = ? , 2) .  ) OR (  . $db->quoteInto( c = ? , 3) .   OR   . $db->quoteInto( c = ? , 4) .  ) )
     ->where( d = ? , 5);


SELECT `table_name`.* FROM `table_name` WHERE ((a = 1 AND b = 2) OR (c = 3 OR c = 4)) AND (d = 5)

(1) 为所有群体创造条件 地点/地点:

$conditions = $this->select()
        ->where( a= ? , 5)
        ->orWhere( b= ? , 6)
// result: $conditions = "(a= 5) OR (b= 6)";


2) 其次,重新确定现有部分选定物体的位置:


3) 最后,如果情况与你一样:

    ->where( d= ? , 5)
    ->where(implode(   , $conditions));


Per a message Board post on the Zend Framework website,这可能是不可能的。

在我看来,在泽德(......)和(或)here的地方 Db_当选人不足以撰写所有询问。 它不支持附加条件的设置,而这种状况在较为复杂的情况下不以抽象的方式强制用户使用。 (a)和(或) 我不能这样说:


<代码>阵容功能 Zend_Db_Select-> where is designed only for use it with the IN.

Example #17 Example of an array parameter in the where() method
// Build this query:
//   SELECT product_id, product_name, price
//   FROM "products"
//   WHERE (product_id IN (1, 2, 3))

$productIds = array(1, 2, 3);

$select = $db->select()
             ->from( products ,
                    array( product_id ,  product_name ,  price ))
             ->where( product_id IN (?) , $productIds);

As Peder said you can t nest orWhere but you can pass multiple arguments into where and orWhere.

  ->from($this->_schema. . .$this->_name)
  ->where(  ( a = ? AND b = ? ) OR ( c = ? OR c = ? )  , array(1,2,3,4))
  ->where( d = ? ,array(5));

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