Is there a decent open-source C library for storing and manipulating
dynamically-typed variables (a.k.a. variants)? I m primarily interested in atomic values (int8, int16, int32, uint, strings, blobs, etc.), while JSON-style arrays and objects as well as custom objects would also be nice. A major case where such a library would be useful is in working with SQL databases.
struct Variant {
enum Type type;
union {
int8_t int8_;
int16_t int16_;
// ...
注:我不认为这是一个重复的问题:。 C中通用数据类型的任何图书馆:,指的是“频率、树木、地图、清单”。 我所谈论的内容更多地侧重于使数据库的工作与使用解释性语言的数据库的工作大致一样顺利。