English 中文(简体)
原标题:Crystal Report: Missing Parameter Values

I am new to Crystal report, application is in ASP.net 3.5 and MySQL 5.1, going to develop report between dates like from date and to date, first page of report is shown good but when i tried to navigate on another page i got error like Missing Parameter Values same error i got in Printing and Export action Thanks in advance

public partial class BookingStatement : System.Web.UI.Page {

//DAL is my Data Access Layer Class

/Book is ReportClass

DAL obj = new DAL();
Book bkStmt = new Book();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    if (!IsPostBack)
       //crvBooking is Crystal Report Viewer
       //reportFill method is to fill Report 

        crvBooking.EnableViewState = true;
        crvBooking.EnableParameterPrompt = false;

   /* Also try reportFill() out side !IsPostBack but didn t work */

    //Check if the parmeters have been shown.
 /*   if ((ViewState["ParametersShown"] != null) && (ViewState["ParametersShown"].ToString() == "True"))
        bkStmt.SetParameterValue(0, "20/04/2010");
        bkStmt.SetParameterValue(1, "20/04/2010");


protected void crvBooking_navigate(object sender, CrystalDecisions.Web.NavigateEventArgs e)
   // reportFill();

protected void reportFill()

    //bkStmt.rpt is Report file
    //bookingstatment is View
    //bkStmt is ReportClass object of Book

    string rptPath = "bkStmt.rpt";

    string query = "select * from bookingstatment";

    crvBooking.Height = 600;
    crvBooking.Width = 900;

    bkStmt.ResourceName = rptPath;

    String dtFrm = bkStmt.ParameterFields[0].CurrentValues.ToString();

    obj.CommText = query;
    DataTable dtst = obj.GetDataTable();


    ParameterDiscreteValue discretevalue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
    discretevalue.Value = "20/04/2010"; // Assign parameter
    ParameterValues values = new ParameterValues();


    ViewState["ParametersShown"] = "True";
    crvBooking.EnableViewState = true;


    crvBooking.ReportSource = bkStmt;



问题似乎会出现,因为Crystal报告在出现倒退时并没有坚持其观点中的参数价值。 因此,当<代码>CrystalReportViewer试图装上ReportClass时,该编码又被用作ReportSource,那么参数值就不复存在。

我们成功使用的一种解决办法是,在设定所有参数值后,将ReportClass(即:您的Cry Report Object) 替换为>>>Session;然后将其装入。 履历表 <代码>Page_Init中的每一次邮局。 例如:

// instantiate the Crystal Report
var report = new DeliveryLabelsSingle();

// set the required parameters
report.DataSourceConnections[0].SetConnection("DBServer", "DatabaseName", "DatabaseUser", "DatabasePassword");
report.SetParameterValue("@Param1", "val1");
report.SetParameterValue("@Param2", "val2");

// set the data source of the viewer
crvLabels.ReportSource = report;

// save the report object in session for postback binding
Session["rptDeliveryLabels"] = report;

页: 1

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (IsPostBack) {
        if (Session["rptDeliveryLabels"] != null) {
            // cast the report from object to ReportClass so it can be set as the CrystalReportViewer ReportSource
            // (All Crystal Reports inherit from ReportClass, so it serves as an acceptable data type through polymorphism)
            crvLabels.ReportSource = (ReportClass)Session["rptDeliveryLabels"];


牢记这种做法,是你有可能非常迅速地填补你的服务器记忆,特别是如果你们有许多用户生成大量不同报告的话。 因此,有些房屋保留是按规定进行的。 我们通过为我们的所有伙伴关系实施一个基级,来做到这一点。 互联网网页载有报告(因此本报告的载荷代码)。 在这一基类中,我们设定了所有可能的<代码>>>><>/代码>变量,这些变量据报是无效的。 与此类似:

// class definition for ASP.NET page containing CrystalReportViewer & associated report(s)
public partial class DeliveryLabelPrint : BaseReport


public class BaseReport : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack) {
            for (var i = 0; i < Session.Count; i++) {
                var sv = Session[i];
                // if this session variable contains a Crystal Report, destroy it
                if (sv is ReportClass) {
                    sv = null;



如果记忆是令人关切的问题,即使采取这种做法,也可将个人变值储存在<代码>>>Session &然后在<代码>Page_Init &上发布新报告;在将其分配到CrystalReportViewer.ReportSource之前重新注入所节约的价值。 但就我们的情况而言,有40个用户每天拿走50+不同的报告,这种存储方式( Object &随附的房屋保存),自3年前使用该应用程序以来,我们就没有遇到任何记忆问题。 我仍然建议进行适当的负荷测试和装备;在把这一解决办法推向生产之前进行监测,因为结果可能因具体执行而有所不同。


--Date Range
(table.datetime >=  {?Start Date} )
and table.datetime <  {?End Date} )

( {?Facility} =  All  OR  {?Facility}  = table.location))

当然,你总是可以选择把参数简单地列入晶体。 这种做法效率不高,有时比较容易。

I had to use explicit ReportDocument type instead of ReportClass because that raised an invalid cast for some reason, but otherwise, works EXACTLY as advertised AFAICT. viz.

 if (Session["<some identifier>"] != null)
                    switch (Session["<some identifier>"])
                        case ReportClass rc:
                            crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rc;

                        case ReportDocument rd:
                            crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rd;


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