English 中文(简体)
通过j Query Ajax/Json将一套检查箱送给AppEngine书的问题
原标题:Issue on passing a checkbox set to an AppEngine script through jQuery Ajax/Json

我有一套有多种选择的检查箱。 我这样说:

if ($("input[name= route_day ]:checked").length > 0) {
    $("input[name= route_day ]:checked").each(function(){
     if(this.value != null)
  dataTrap.route_days = $.JSON.encode(route_days_hook);

...and pull the whole dataTrap to an AppEngine Python script via jQuery ajax. However, the Python script just bugs. If i change dataTrap.route_days value to a string instead of the JSON encoded object, everything works fine.
My question is: how can i pass a checkbox set to the script using Ajax and still be able to iterate over it on the script?



 dataTrap.route_days = $.parseJSON(route_days_hook);



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