Apologies if this is an oversight or sheer stupidity on my part but I can t quite figure out how to access the validation array from a callback in a model (using ORM and KO 2.3.4). I want to be able to add specific error messages to the validation array if a callback returns false.
e.g This register method:
public function register(array & $array, $save = FALSE)
// Initialise the validation library and setup some rules
$array = Validation::factory($array)
->pre_filter( trim )
->add_rules( email , required , valid::email , array($this, email_available ))
->add_rules( confirm_email , matches[email] )
->add_rules( password , required , length[5,42] )
->add_rules( confirm_password , matches[password] );
return ORM::validate($array, $save);
public function email_available($value)
return ! (bool) $this->db
->where( email , $value)
I can obviously access the current model from the callback, but I was wondering what the best way to add custom error from the callback would be?