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Symfony 5, I can t start the server
  • 时间:2023-06-06 11:55:57
  •  标签:
  • symfony

I develop a symfony project and everything was fine. But since yesterday I can not launch the server: enter image description here The commands symfony server:start and symfony server:stop don t work anymore

Can anyone help me, please?


1-Ensure Symfony CLI is installed and up-to-date. You might have accidentally uninstalled Symfony CLI or it could be outdated. You can check the version using symfony version. If it s not installed or outdated, you can download and install the latest version from the Symfony website.

2-Check your PHP installation. The Symfony CLI requires PHP to run. You can check your PHP version using php -v. If PHP is not installed, or you have an outdated version, consider installing or upgrading it.

3-Ensure that no other process is using the same port. If another process is using the port that the Symfony server wants to use (default is 8000), you will not be able to start the server. You can check for processes using the port with a command like lsof -i :8000 on Unix or netstat -ano | findstr :8000 on Windows. If there is another process, you ll need to stop it or change the port your Symfony server uses.

4-Check your project configuration. If there s an issue with your Symfony project configuration, it could prevent the server from starting. Check your .env file and other configuration files for any obvious issues.

5-Inspect the error log. If none of the above helps, take a look at the error log (usually stored in var/log/ in your Symfony project directory). This could provide more insight into what s going wrong.

Symfony 5, I can t start the server

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