现在,我寄送了<代码>Last-Modised和 Etag
,但缺席,GAE alsto发了Cache-Control: no-cache
。 http://palisade.plynt.com/issues/2008Jul/cache-control-attributes/“rel=“nofollow noreferer”>:
The “no-cache” directive, according to the RFC, tells the browser that it should revalidate with the server before serving the page from the cache. [...] In practice, IE and Firefox have started treating the no-cache directive as if it instructs the browser not to even cache the page.
由于I DO想要浏览器打上图像,我在我的法典中增加了以下内容:
self.response.headers[ Cache-Control ] = "public"
The “cache-control: public” directive [...] tells the browser and proxies [...] that the page may be cached. This is good for non-sensitive pages, as caching improves performance.
问题是,这是否会在某种程度上损害适用? 最好将<条码>Cache-Control:必须生效的<>条/条码>发送至“生效”浏览器,以便重新生效(如果说是最初发送<条码>的原因,则会采取这种行动)。 Cache-Control: no-cache
This directive insists that the browser must revalidate the page against the server before serving it from cache. Note that it implicitly lets the browser cache the page.