English 中文(简体)
原标题:"no inclosing instance error " while getting top term frequencies for document from Lucene index

我正试图获得卢塞内指数中每个特定文件最经常出现的频率。 我试图确定我所关心的20个最容易出现的措辞。



protected static Collection getTopTerms(TermFreqVector tfv, int maxTerms){
  String[] terms = tfv.getTerms();   
  int[] tFreqs = tfv.getTermFrequencies();  

  List result = new ArrayList(terms.length); 

  for (int i = 0; i < tFreqs.length; i++) {
    TermFrq tf = new TermFrq(terms[i], tFreqs[i]);

  Collections.sort(result, new FreqComparator()); 
  if(maxTerms < result.size()){
    result = result.subList(0, maxTerms);
  return result; 
/*Class for objects to hold the term/freq pairs*/

static class TermFrq{
   private String term;
   private int freq;

   public TermFrq(String term,int freq){
   this.term = term;
   this.freq = freq;
   public String getTerm(){
   return this.term;
 public int getFreq(){
   return this.freq;

/*Comparator to compare the objects by the frequency*/
 class FreqComparator implements Comparator{
  public int compare(Object pair1, Object pair2){
   int f1 = ((TermFrq)pair1).getFreq();
   int f2 = ((TermFrq)pair2).getFreq();

   if(f1 > f2) return 1;
   else if(f1 < f2) return -1;
   else return 0;

解释和更正 我将非常赞赏,如果其他人在提炼频率方面有经验,并且做得更好,我将向所有建议开放!

请帮助! Thanx!





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