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Formatting Text in C# with XNA

I m currently trying to make a TextBox for my GUI with XNA, and I was wondering how could I find tagged text in a string.
For instanceI have this kind of text:

Hey there, I was <r>going to</r> the <b>Mall</b> today!

So the <r> tag would represent red text and the <b> tag would represent blue text.
And I want to know exactly where the red text starts and where the blue text starts so I could render them separately.
Do you have any suggestion what to do about it, and what to use for doing that?

Thanks in advance.


Well you could just parse the line and when you reach a set a color property of your text so that it will now render blue but it will have to be a separate render call or else the whole string will turn blue. So if you make a new string when you come upon a tag then set the color property then render that string then that should work.


I would suggest doing this with two methods

First, have a method that can take your string and return a collection of string color pairs:

struct StringColorPair {
    public string myText;     // the text
    public Color myColor;     // the color of this text
    public int myOffset;      // characters before this part of the string 
                              // (for positioning in the Draw)

public List<StringColorPair> ParseColoredText(string text) {
    var list = new List<StringColorPair>();    

    // Use a regex or other string parsing method to pull out the
    // text chunks and their colors and then for each set of those do:
        new StringColorPair {
            myText = yourParsedSubText,
            myColor = yourParsedColor,
            myOffset = yourParsedOffset }

    return list;

Then you would need a draw method like this:

public void Draw(List<StringColorPair> pairs) {
    foreach(var pair in pairs) {
        // Draw the relevant string and color at its needed offset

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